Drawing a line graph
Graphs are always informative. The basic graphical representation can be a line graph, which is demonstrated here:

How to do it…
The HTML code is as follows:
<html> <head> <title>A simple Line chart</title> <script src="linechart.js"></script> </head> <body onload=init()> <h1>Your WhatsApp Usage</h1> <canvas width="600" height="500" id="MyCanvasArea" style="border:2px solid blue;" tabindex="0"> Canvas tag is not supported by your browser </canvas> </body> </html>
The JavaScript code is as follows:
function init() { var gCanvas = document.getElementById('MyCanvasArea'); // Ensure that the element is available within the DOM var ctx = gCanvas.getContext('2d'); // Bar chart data var data = new Array(7); data[0] = "1,130"; data[1] = "2,140"; data[2] = "3,150"; data[3] = "4,140"; data[4] = "5,180"; data[5] = "6,240"; data[6] = "7,340"; // Draw the bar chart...