We need the VLAN domain so that we have a range of VLANs that the VMWare domain can use.
Creating the VLAN domain
How to do it...
- We will create a range of VLANs from 30 to 60, in a VLAN domain called ACI-vSwitch. These will be dynamic and designed for VMWare environments:
apic1(config)# vlan-domain ACI-vSwitch dynamic type vmware
apic1(config-vlan)# vlan-pool ACME-VLANs
apic1(config-vlan)# vlan 30-60 dynamic
apic1(config-vlan)# exit
How it works...
From Fabric | Access Policies | Pools | VLAN, we can see the new pool.

Next, we can create the VMWare...