Getting started with Tiled
Get a copy of Tiled from and run the Tiled program because before we go ahead; you need to check that your settings are correct (navigate to Tiled | Preferences). I recommend the Base64 encoding, because it produces a smaller file; this makes your game load faster:

Now open a new file in Tiled, select Orthogonal, and choose your preferred width and height for the tile size. We'll be using the 16 x 16 tile size in this example. The level design will be scaled to screen while playing:

Load your tile set by navigating to Tiled | Map | New Tileset and selecting your preferred tile set (note that your sprites and tiles must be in the root folder of our game). Select and place the respective tiles in the grids while designing the game level:

Because we now have our tile set ready, select and place each tile in the respective grid till we form the design we imagined.
The following screenshot shows the surfaces that we would want our player or any...