Creating a Visual Studio solution for Dynamics 365 customization
Visual Studio is the preferred IDE to build Microsoft Dynamics 365 server-side customization. Visual Studio is a very powerful IDE that improves productivity and facilitates customization development. A Visual Studio Solution will contain Visual Studio Projects that will ultimately generate Dynamic Linked Libraries (DLL) that will be deployed on your Dynamics 365 instance.
In this recipe, we will demonstrate the setup of a Visual Studio solution with the required .NET Dynamics 365 library references as a basis for other recipes.
Getting ready
As a prerequisite for this recipe, you need to have a version of Visual Studio installed on your development machine (preferably 2015, the version used in this recipe; you can also use Visual Studio code and the express edition, although not the preferable option) and an internet connection to get the SDK DLLs packages using NuGet.
Alternatively, you can manually add the DLLs from the...