Users may also generate Nmap scan reports in PDF format. While Nmap does not support generating PDF reports out of the box, we could use a tool named fop to achieve this task.
The following recipe will show you how to generate PDF scan reports.
Users may also generate Nmap scan reports in PDF format. While Nmap does not support generating PDF reports out of the box, we could use a tool named fop to achieve this task.
The following recipe will show you how to generate PDF scan reports.
Format Object Printer (FOP) is an Apache project used in this task to convert from XML-FO to a PDF file. You need to install this software before continuing. Please download it from and place the binary in your system path.
You will also need a style sheet shipped with Nmap. Please locate the nmap-fo.xsl file in your Nmap installation directory. If you don't have it, you may download it from https...