Market-basket analysis means, in its simplest implementation, finding which products tend to get purchased together, in the same basket. The basket might be either physical, such as a basket in a retail store, or a virtual one, such as a single Web order with one or more items. In the AdventureWorksDW2017 demo database, there isa dbo.vAssocSeqLineItems view with the web purchase transactions with the content that I am examining with the following query:
FROM dbo.vAssocSeqLineItems;
The result is this:
OrderNumber LineNumber Model
----------- ---------- ------------
SO61313 1 Road-350-W
SO61313 2 Cycling Cap
SO61313 3 Sport-100
The OrderNumber column defines the basket, and the Model column identifies a single product in the basket. Note that I did not include the ORDER BY clause in the query...