Hands-on transaction microservice development
The best way of learning from a technical book is by following its instructions. For all practical chapters, it is preferable to follow us along the journey and type every command with us. Downloading source code from the Git repository and investigating source code is also a good way of learning things in practice.
Getting started with NestJS is easier than Express.js. It has code generation steps and easy-to-use packages that help you to do a fast development. If you’re looking for a better, modern template to get started, NestJS is one way of achieving it. NestJS provides a built-in command-line tool called the Nest CLI. It acts as a powerful assistant throughout your NestJS application’s lifecycle. If offers interesting and useful functionalities such as the following:
- Project initialization: Quickly set up a new NestJS project with a well-structured directory layout following best practices.
- Development...