Using multisource replication
A familiar replication topology is one where we have a single master server and several slave servers. Another alternative topology is where we have a single slave server connected to multiple master servers. This is called multisource replication.
Getting ready
For this recipe, we'll be working on the assumption that we have three servers, db01
, db02
, and db03
, which are each running a fresh install of MariaDB. The first two will be our replication masters, and the last one will be our replication slave as shown in the following diagram:

We'll further assume that all three servers are on the same subnet,
, with the final part of their individual IP addresses being 101
, 102
, and 103
, respectively.
How to do it...
On all three servers, launch the
command-line client and run the following command to add our replication user:GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO replicant@'192.168.4.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'sup3rs3kr37p455w0rd';
Quit the...