Projects under Hyperledger
There are four categories of projects under Hyperledger. Under each category, there are multiple projects. The categories are:
- Distributed ledgers
- Libraries
- Tools
- Domain-specific
Currently, there are six distributed ledger projects under the Hyperledger umbrella: Fabric, Sawtooth, Iroha, Indy, Besu, and Burrow. Under libraries, there are the Aries, Transact, Quilt, and Ursa projects. The tools category of Hyperledger includes projects such as Avalon, Cello, Caliper, and Explorer. There are also domain-specific projects such as Hyperledger Grid and Hyperledger Labs.
The following diagram visualizes the categorization of Hyperledger projects:

Figure 17.1: Projects under Hyperledger
A brief introduction to all of these projects follows.
Distributed ledgers
Distributed ledgers, as we covered in Chapter 1, Blockchain 101, are a broad category of distributed databases that are decentralized, shared...