Unsupported data loading scenarios
In the case of migration scenarios when migrating your database from another SQL database, there is a possibility that some of the data types are not supported on Synapse SQL.
How to do it…
In order to identify the unsupported data types in your current SQL scheme, you can use the following T-SQL query:
SELECT  t.[name], c.[name], c.[system_type_id], c.[user_type_id], y.[is_user_defined], y.[name] FROM sys.tables  t JOIN sys.columns c on t.[object_id]    = c.[object_id] JOIN sys.types   y on c.[user_type_id] = y.[user_type_id] WHERE y.[name] IN ('geography','geometry','hierarchyid','image','text','ntext','sql_variant','xml') AND  y.[is_user_defined] = 1;
There's more…
A list of the data types that are unsupported and an alternative workaround that you can use is shown in...