Finding and editing your templates
Canva templates have been designed with you in mind. They are easy to edit and constructed in a way that, in some instances, requires no editing at all, or you can create a design from scratch. But how do you find a template that’s suitable for your business needs? That is what we are going to find out in this section.
So, let’s head over to the Canva dashboard. From here, you have a couple of options to search for your template. Use either the Create a design button in the top-right corner or the search bar in the middle.

Figure 2.1 – Home page screen, showing the search bar and design buttons
If you know what you want to search for, for example, a Facebook story post, you can use the search bar, but if you’re not sure, select the Create a design button, and it will give you a dropdown to choose from, which is what we are doing here:

Figure 2.2 – Create...