Spring Data project
The Spring Data project is an umbrella project that offers a familiar way to create our data access layer on a wide range of database technologies. It means there are high-level abstractions to interact with different kinds of data structures, such as the document model, column family, key-value, and graphs. Also, the JPA specification is fully supported by the Spring Data JPA project.
These modules offer powerful object-mapping abstractions for our domain model.
There is support for different types of data structures and databases. There is a set of sub-modules to keep the framework modularity. Also, there are two categories of these sub-modules: the first one is a subset of projects supported by the Spring Framework Team and the second one is a subset of sub-modules provided by the community.
Projects supported by the Spring Team include:
- Spring Data Commons
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Data MongoDB
- Spring Data Redis
- Spring Data for Apache Cassandra
Projects supported by the community...