Enabling public user signup
In the previous recipe, we looked at how to manually create new user accounts, and importing users from a CSV file. These are the two options that the JIRA administrators have when your JIRA instance is used internally.
However, if your JIRA is set up to be used by the public, such as in a support system, you would want to let your customers to freely sign up for a new account, rather than having them wait for the administrator to manually create each account.
How to do it...
Proceed with the following steps to enable a public user signup:
Navigate to Administration | System | General Configuration.
Click on the Edit Settings button.
Set the Mode option to Public Signup, and click on Update.
How it works...
JIRA can operate in two modes, public and private. In the private mode, only the administrator can create new user accounts. For example, you can use the private mode for JIRA instances that are used by internal engineering teams to track their projects, as shown in...