Multi-subnet deployment of Music Store
We started developing Music Store as a monolithic application which were containerized and later componentized by adding a database layer and a caching layer in previous chapters. We will further breakdown the Music Store application by adding an API layer, which will be responsible for holding the business logic of the application. Music Store API is an ASP.NET Core Web API project which acts as a RESTful service layer for Music Store data and business logic. 3-layered architecture is very common among many enterprise applications. Music Store is one such sample with a web front-end built using the ASP.NET Core MVC project, which contains the HTML, CSS and some JavaScript files; a middle tier API layer, which contains the business components and caching; and finally a database tier, which is responsible for storing data.
Having a layered architecture is beneficial in many ways: each layer can be individually managed; security and auto-scaling policies...