Adding SEO page descriptions and checking page titles and URL slugs
We’ll go in-depth into the topic of search engine optimization (SEO) in Chapter 16, Understanding Analytics and Setting Up SEO, but as you prepare to launch your site, do an audit of the pages you’ve designed, confirming that your page titles, URL slugs, and SEO descriptions are set up correctly.
Page titles
To confirm or edit your page title and URL, navigate to your individual page settings by selecting the widget to the right of the title in your Page menu, as seen in Figure 14.2:

Figure 14.2 – General Page Settings
Add the correct titles to PAGE TITLE and NAVIGATION TITLE, then check that your URL slug matches your page titles, replacing any spaces with dashes to make it easy for search bots to read. These three items (the page title, navigation title, and URL slug) are automatically generated by Squarespace when you create a new page so there’s a...