12. Concurrency
Activity 12.01: A DOM Whack-a-mole Game
- Create a project with
lein figwheel
:lein new figwheel packt-clj.dom-whackamole -- --rum
- Move to the new
directory and start a ClojureScript REPL:lein figwheel
In your browser, at
, you should see the default Figwheel page:Figure 12.26: Default Figwheel page
- Open
in your editor or IDE. This is where you will write all the remaining code. - Define the atoms that will determine the game's state:
(def game-length-in-seconds 20) (def millis-remaining (atom (* game-length-in-seconds 1000))) (def points (atom 0)) (def game-state (atom :waiting)) (def clock-interval (atom nil)) (def moles (atom (into []             (repeat 5 {:status :waiting                  ...