Who this book is for
The first person I write for is myself. A lot of the stuff I talk about in this book is stuff I was learning myself a few years ago. API testing is a huge topic, and it can be intimidating to get started with, so I wrote this book primarily for those software testers who find themselves needing to test an API and not really knowing where to start. Throughout the book, I try not to assume too much in-depth programming knowledge, although an understanding of some of the most basic aspects of programming will certainly help with some sections of this book.
If you are working as a software tester and you are interested in expanding your skills into the API testing realm, this book is certainly for you. If you are a developer who is looking to enhance their skills in terms of understanding quality and testing, congratulations, you are setting yourself up for a successful career! You may be able to skim through some parts of this book, but you will certainly find a lot of helpful advice in here on how to design and write a test in a way that leads to good-quality APIs.