On a new line underneath the closing curly brace of our interface, type this:
class Human:Movable { }
We have created a new class called Human, and it's going to implement Movable. Remember, what this is saying essentially in simple English is: Human is a type of Movable object. So, in other words, humans can move. Okay, now we actually need to implement the interface. To do this, click on Movable and you should see a light bulb appear on the left-hand side. Click on it, then click on the Implement interface:
Figure 5.1: Selecting the Implement interface
This will automatically expand your code to the following:
class Human : Movable { public void Move() { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } }
Inside public void Move(), we're going to define what it means for a human being to move. So, remove the...