27.7 Configuring the Apache Web Server for Your Domain
The next step in setting up your web server is to configure it for your domain name. To configure the web server, begin by changing directory to /etc/httpd which, in turn, contains a number of sub-directories. Change directory into the conf sub-directory where you will find a file named httpd.conf containing the configuration settings for the Apache server.
Edit the httpd.conf file using your preferred editor with super-user privileges to ensure you have write permission to the file. Once loaded, there are a number of settings that need to be changed to match your environment.
The most common way to configure Apache for a specific domain is to add virtual host entries to the httpd.conf file. This has the advantage of allowing a single Apache server to support multiple web sites simply by adding a virtual host entry for each site domain. Within the httpd.conf file, add a virtual host entry for your domain as follows: