How do I make my photo look like a sketch?
After years of perfecting my photography skills, I sometimes, quite perversely, try to make my photos look more like a painting or illustration with the idea of trying to inject a different type of visual creativity into my work.
Before photo editing applications were a 'thing', the only way to achieve an illustrative 'look' was to learn how to paint and draw. Now, with Photoshop Elements, you can add watercolor and illustration effects to a file so it's transformed from the hard-edged reality of a photographic record, into an image that's softer, more emotional, and great fun to play with. The good news is that, using Elements' and its AI technology to achieve this 'look' is so easy to implement via its Guided Edit Mode.

In this example, I'm using the excellent Line Drawing tool (Guided>Black and White>Line Drawing) to create a soft-looking, illustrative and pictorial effect...