Creating Master Materials and Material Instances
In this section, you will learn how to create basic PBR Materials from scratch using the Unreal Engine Material Editor, which we briefly looked at in Chapter 4, and then you will learn the significance of Material Instances and why we use them.
Remember, we are making a film, so I will not dabble too much in the nitty gritty of creating complex Materials for our use – I’m going to keep it simple. There are tons of ready-made Materials accessible to us through Quixel Bridge and the Unreal Engine Marketplace that we will utilize in our project, which I will cover later in this chapter.
Creating plastic, rubber, and metal Master Materials
To learn how to create Master Materials, we will start by creating some basic Materials that will be the building blocks for creating any other Materials. Let’s start by creating some common Materials: plastic, rubber, and metal-looking Materials. Let’s get started...