Dividing the components
Where we stand, we already understand the main adjustments required to ensure the best performance of Zabbix, but what should we do when all the suggested adjustments were made and performance is still a topic that causes headaches?
Luckily, Zabbix SIA envisaged Zabbix as a platform, and they allow us to target this platform and choose better hardware and OS configuration for each component. But when exactly is the time to think about having more than one piece of hardware to meet the demands of the environment? Is it when users complain that the GUI is slow? Is it when we have too many rows in the Zabbix server? Is it when I have too much IOWAIT in the operating system? Is it when the housekeeper takes a long time to run? Or when the database reaches a certain size? All of these? Any of these? Questions, questions and more questions!
In practice, a Zabbix environment can be born segmented if the environment's size can be planned from the beginning, but this...