Overview of SCT
AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) is a downloadable program that's designed to help you change from one database engine to another. For example, you can use it to help convert database objects and database code from Oracle into PostgreSQL. It can also be used to carry out a migration assessment to both calculate the effort involved in converting the database engine and also to check for any features that are being used that are incompatible with RDS versions of the database. As we learned in Chapter 4, Relational Database Service, RDS does not support all the features of every database engine. SCT is available on Windows, Ubuntu Linux, and Fedora Linux.
SCT can carry out assessments and convert from the following database types:
- Oracle
- SQL Server
- Apache Cassandra
- Azure SQL Database
- IBM Db2
- PostgreSQL
- SAP/Sybase ASE
SCT can carry out assessments and convert from the following Data Warehouse types:
- Amazon...