Because of the new releases of VirtualBox 6.1, unfortunately, Vagrant 2.2.6 has not yet updated on time to fully work with this new release. I will show here how to fix the issue and then Windows 10 will able to work for the two latest versions of Vagrant and VirtualBox:
- Add this line to the file on your Windows 10 machine: C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\embedded\gems\2.2.7\gems\vagrant-2.2.7\plugins\providers\virtualbox\plugin.rb:
module Driver
autoload :Meta, File.expand_path("../driver/meta", __FILE__)
autoload :Version_4_0, File.expand_path("../driver/version_4_0", __FILE__)
autoload :Version_4_1, File.expand_path("../driver/version_4_1", __FILE__)
autoload :Version_4_2, File.expand_path("../driver/version_4_2", __FILE__)
autoload :Version_4_3, File.expand_path("../driver/version_4_3", __FILE__)
autoload :Version_5_0, File.expand_path("../driver/version_5_0...