In this chapter, you have seen most of Vuex's features and should now have an idea of how to both read from and write to the store. You employed mutations for synchronous changes and actions for asynchronous modifications. You created getters to provide access to virtual values based on your state. You have also seen how components look when working with the store. They've got less logic and simply hand off that part to the store. In larger Vue applications, this will become even more important. Your components will handle the UI and UX, but let the store handle the data layer. Having the store as a single source of truth, then, relieves you of so much "grunt" work that you will come to greatly appreciate Vuex, even in smaller applications.
In the next chapter, you will learn about using remote data with Vuex stores. Working with remote APIs is a common need in modern web applications. Integrating these APIs in Vuex will make it easier for the rest...