The Expert edit mode
Having played with the Quick and Guided edit modes, you'll find this advanced editing workspace a little challenging, especially if you are a newcomer to photo editing.
The Expert edit mode essentially relies on the user having an editing plan. It's good to have a basic idea of what you'd like to achieve with the image open on the desktop, as well as having some degree of experience with the tools needed to complete the job. In many ways, this part of Elements resembles Adobe Photoshop quite closely—although I would add that it also contains a good range of very cool processes that you will not find in Photoshop. We will cover this in more detail in Chapter 5, Easy Creative Projects:
Don't let the name Expert put you off; its basic tools (which are dealt with in more depth in Chapter 3, The Basics of Image Editing) are easily mastered and provide any photographer or designer with a raft of powerful creative...