AI provides us with various classification techniques, but machine learning classification would be the best to start with as it is the most common and easiest classification to understand for the beginner. In our daily life, our eyes captures millions of pictures: be they in a book, on a particular screen, or maybe something that you caught in your surroundings. These images captured by our eyes help us to recognize and classify objects. Our application is based on the same logic.
Here, we are creating an application that will identify images using machine learning algorithms. Imagine that we have images of both apples and oranges, looking at which our application would help identify whether the image is of an apple or an orange. This type of classification can be termed as binary classification, which means classifying the objects of a given set into two groups, but techniques do exist for multiclass classification as well. We would require a large number of images of apples and oranges, and a machine learning algorithm that would be set in such a way that the application would be able to classify both image types. In other words, we make these algorithms learn the difference between the two objects to help classify all the examples correctly. This is known as supervised learning.
Now let's compare supervised learning with unsupervised learning. Let's assume that we are not aware of the actual data labels (which means we do not know whether the images are examples of apples or oranges). In such cases, classification won't be of much help. The clustering method can always ease such scenarios. The result would be a model that can be deployed in an application, and it would function as seen in the following diagram. The application would memorize facts about the distinction between apples and oranges and recognize actual images using a machine learning algorithm. If we took a new input, the model would tell us about its decision as to whether the input is an apple or orange. In this example, the application that we created is able to identify an image of an apple with a 75% degree of confidence:
Sometimes, we want to know the level of confidence, and other times we just want the final answer, that is, the choice in which the model has the most confidence.