Closing the open relay, enabling SMTP authentication and dealing with Spam by configuring SASL, and enabling Postfix header and body checks
In this recipe we will learn how to configure Postfix to work with Dovecot in order to provide a local POP3/SMTP service that can support SMTP authentication and serve to reduce spam.
In today's world, running a mail server can be a hazardous occupation. Spam is always a consideration, whether you are receiving this type of unwanted mail or worried that your server may be assisting spammers to distribute this type of content. It is the purpose of this recipe to provide a starting point that shows you how to set up and configure your mail server in such a way that it will not only make you feel more confident, but it will also provide a safer and more secure approach to manage mail across any network.
Getting ready
To complete this recipe you will require a working installation of the CentOS 6 operating system with root privileges and a console based text...