Reading and processing a file line by line
Files containing data in the comma separated values (csv) format are structured so that one line contains data about one object, so we need a way to read and process the file line by line. As an example, we use the data file winequality-red.csv
, that contains 1,599 sample measurements, 12 data columns, such as pH and alcohol, per sample, separated by a semicolon (;), of which you can see the top 20 in the following screenshot:

How to do it...
Examine the code of the command-line project processing_lines
using the following methods:
Using the
method as shown in the following code:import 'dart:io'; // for step 3: import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; main() { File data= new File("../winequality-red.csv"); data.readAsLines().then(processLines) .catchError((e) => handleError(e)); } processLines(List<String> lines) { // process lines: for (var line in lines) { print(line); } } handleError(e) { print("An error...