Planning operations with a maturity model
In this section, we will look at a maturity model for IT operations. Then, we will learn how to apply this to the enterprise and get it to continuous operations. Finally, we'll learn how to get it ready so that it can be implemented by AIOps.
The basic operations maturity model looks as follows:

Figure 6.7 – Operations maturity model
The first level is sometimes referred to as chaotic. Processes are not documented here; operations are merely just firefighting. At this level, it's the tools that define how operations work, instead of having an architecture in place that also defines the toolset. Most enterprises have passed this level.
However, a lot of enterprises are stuck at the second level. This is the committed level, where processes are defined. Incident, problem change, and project management is in place, but the processes are only integrated in a very limited way. There's no...