Using AWS Cloud Map with EKS
AWS Cloud Map is a cloud resource discovery tool so, unlike App Mesh, it has no traffic control or observability features. It simply allows consumers to discover cloud services (not just EKS-based ones).
Cloud Map operates in namespaces so the first thing we will do is create a new namespace called
, which we will use later. We can use the following AWS CLI commands to register and validate whether we have created the namespace:
$ aws servicediscovery create-private-dns-namespace --name --description 'european production private DNS namespace' --vpc vpc-0614a71963e68bc86 {     "OperationId": "pqrexzv7e5tn7wq64wiph6ztyb4c5ut3-5k7jsu2f" } $ aws servicediscovery get-operation  --operation-id pqrexzv7e5tn7wq64wiph6ztyb4c5ut3-5k7jsu2f {     "Operation": {         "Status": "SUCCESS",...