Data modeling patterns
Data modeling is simply defining the shapes and forms in which our data will be persisted or accessed via. Modeling can work for structured data and semi-structured data. Modeling typically starts with understanding what the user wants and finding an appropriate shape or form to meet that need.
Relational modeling for transactional databases is a common set of techniques for making your data reliable, fast to write, and not duplicated.
First normal form
The first normal form is the process of making sure each column has only atomic values. That translates into conforming arrays and other types of semi-structured data.
An example of something not in first normal form is as follows:
|Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â fruit| id| +------------------+---+ |Â Â Â Â {apple -> red}|Â Â 1|
Here is the result of it being in first normal form:
| fruit| id|color| +-...