Function Declaration and Definition
A function declaration has the role of telling the compiler the name, the parameters, and the return type of a function. After a function has been declared, it can be used in the rest of the program.
The definition of the function specifies what operations a function performs.
A declaration is composed of the type of the returned value, followed by the name of the function and by a list of parameters inside a pair of parentheses. These last two components form the signature of the function. The syntax of a function declaration is as follows:
// Declaration: function without body return_type function_name( parameter list );
If a function returns nothing, then the type void can be used, and if a function is not expecting any parameters the list can be empty.
Let's look at an example of a function declaration:
void doNothingForNow();
Here, we declared a function named doNothingForNow(), which takes no arguments and returns nothing. After this declaration, we can...