7.7 Gates and unitary matrices
The collection of all 2-by-2 unitary matrices (section 5.8) with entries in C form a group under multiplication called the unitary group of degree 2. We denote it by U(2, C). It is a subgroup of GL(2, C), the general linear group of degree 2 over C.
Every 1-qubit gate corresponds to such a unitary matrix. We can create all 2-by-2 unitary matrices from the identity and Pauli matrices. Pauli$matrix matrix$Pauli operator$Pauli
We can write any U(2, C) as a product of a complex unit times a linear combination of unitary matrices


where we have the following definitions, properties, and identities:
- 0 ≤ θ < 2π
- cI2 is in R
- cσx, cσy, and cσz are in C
- |cI2|2 + |cσx|2 + |cσy|2 + |cσz|2 = 1

The complex unit only affects the global phase of the qubit state and so...