Database design and manipulation
Let’s move on to the part you’ve probably been waiting for: the part where we get to build a database! We already created the schema, but at the moment, we don’t have any tables. Let’s fix that first!
Creating a table
Right-click the schema, database_fun, which we created earlier, and click New | Table, as shown in Figure 11.19.

Figure 11.19: Right-click on the schema indicated by the arrow, then click New | Table
You’ll get a new window, as shown in Figure 11.20.

Figure 11.20: New window
I had to stretch mine out a little to see it all, as shown in the figure. The next few steps will build our table. I went ahead and typed the table name in the Name field at the top. You can see what’s going on here. As before, with the schema creation DDL, PyCharm is building a DDL script in the preview at the bottom of the window. Right now, we have a red squiggly...