The behavior of a virtual desktop machine and how a user interacts with it is governed by an AD policy. As we mentioned previously, this policy configures things such as a graphics experience and cut-and-paste options.
To make life easier, the templates for these policies have already been created and are shipped as part of the Horizon View software that was downloaded as part of the software downloads in Chapter 4, Installing and Configuring Horizon 7 - Part 1, and can be found in the ZIP file named VMware-Horizon-Extras-Bundle-4.9.0-9539668.
The first thing we need to do is unzip this file and save it to the shared software folder on the file server. You will see that it contains 15 Administrative Template (ADMX) files, as shown in the following screenshot:

In the next section, we will look at the AD ADMX and ADML templates and how to import them...