What the pros wish they knew
We asked the ServiceNow admin and developer community: "What do you wish you'd known, when you were first starting out with ServiceNow?" We've compiled their responses here, along with our own insights and recommendations. This section is for those real life-saving tips, that many developers or admins learn the hard way, or after doing things the hard way for a long time!
Field case
Object labels and names have their own capitalization standards in ServiceNow. Table labels for example, get a capital letter in the beginning of each word in the label. Requested Items, for example; or Local Update Sets. Fieldlabels get a capital letter, but only for the first word (aka "sentence case"). For example: Short description, or Business service.
Field and table names on the other hand, of course always use lower-case.
Understanding this, you can ensure that your custom table and field labels adhere to the typical ServiceNow capitalization standards, which is important...