Before the agile and DevOps approaches appeared, architects used to focus on creating standards and rules to write code. In the past, it was common to find architects who wrote code, but this approach is currently outdated with regards to programming. Over the last few years, the idea of architects has been disappearing, all thanks to the new emerging models for creating teams. Agile movements have been in the software industry for a while, helping us to rethink how we are building software and organizing teams.
Nowadays, it's almost impossible to find software teams that have an architect working with them. Moreover, the idea of having different groups of people as part of an organization that collaborates using a silo style (where one task has to be finished before starting a new one) is disappearing. A few years ago, we had well-defined roles and even specialized departments for the following roles:
- Business analysts
- Developers
- QA engineers
- Architects
- DBAs
- People working on infrastructureÂ
- Operations
- Security
The following graphic shows how teams work using a silos style:

The preceding list also grows in specific cases. Teams working using a silo style used to work on producing defined artifacts, such as documentation, UML diagrams, and other things that are usually incomplete.
This approach is changing, and having small and multidisciplinary teams in charge of taking care of every single detail of an application is now more common. This approach has helped to create proactive teams with strong skills that allow us to ensure that software architecture is still happening all the time.
It's evident that not every team member has the full set of skills required to work on every stage, from gathering requirements to deploying the application in production, but the communication among all of them allows us to reduce the technical gaps and have a better understanding of the bigger picture of the application. This is one of the most important aspects of software architecture.
This shared knowledge helps the team to continue improving the existing software architecture, overcoming the most complex problems. All of the teams in charge of writing software can understand the details of the system under development instead of delegating this responsibility to only one person or even to a department. This approach can lead us to rely on people or teams that would be slightly out of the business context of why the application was being created. This is because people that worked on the project in the past but no longer participate actively due to working on more than one project can't fully understand all of the details of every system.