Mock Test
This is the chapter that you have prepared for. This is an incredible way to verify your learning or help you know what to focus on before taking the test. The following questions are not on the examination but will align with their scoring weights. You should take the examination multiple times to verify your understanding and whether it’s consistent. The other thing is that the exam will be scored to 1,000 and each question will be valued at 25 points. You need to score 750 points to pass (answer 30 questions correctly).
Although Tableau’s weight detail on each question is proprietary, we can get very close based on their preparation guide here: For our training purposes, you will have 10 questions on Connecting to and Preparing Data (CPD), 10 on Sharing Insights (SI), 14 on Exploring and Analyzing Data (EAD), and 6 on Understanding Tableau Concepts (UTC), with no unscored questions.