Sending a notification to a smart device
There are many ways a notification can be sent to your smart device (e-mail, SMS, or via an app). During the course of writing this chapter, I realized that an e-mail is not the most efficient way to alert the user of an emergency (a burglar in this case), and there is no single global SMS notification service that can be used by people from different parts of the world. Hence, we are going to use yet another really powerful push messaging app called Pushover.
It works by communicating over the Internet, and conveniently there is a Python library associated with it that we will use to send notifications to the Pushover app on our smart device.

Go to and create a new account. By default, you get a 7-day trial, which is sufficient for completing this chapter. If you like the software, you can go ahead and purchase it, as you can use it for future projects.
Once you have verified your e-mail ID, look up Pushover on the iTunes...