With a firm, conceptual grasp of multi-dimensional arrays, we can now explore the C syntax for declaring them. As we move from two to more dimensions, we will continue to use array1D, array2D, array3D, and array4D to match the previous section. As each array is declared, pay particular attention to the order in which the array indices appear in each definition. In general, the highest-order dimension appears at the leftmost side and the lowest-order dimension (in our example, array1D) appears in the rightmost position.
Before we begin, we'll define some size constants, as follows:
const int size1D = 5;
const int size2D = 4;
const int size3D = 3;
const int size4D = 7;
In each of our declarations, we could simply use literal numbers to specify each dimension's size. Instead, we'll use the size1D, size2D, size3D, and size4Dconstants, not just in this section but for the remainder of this chapter...