Benefiting from quick wins
What is a quick win? A quick win, also described as low-hanging fruit, is an effort that can be performed in a fairly short period of time, maybe two to six sprints or one to six months. It can be done by a small team, such as a staff of two to five. It tends to be a low-cost improvement. It is typically something that an organization can easily recognize as an opportunity to improve. Quick wins are valuable in that they tend to generate enthusiasm for an initiative because they produce results very quickly. They tend to be very recognizable as something that delivers benefits and can be implemented with little effort and resources. They allow a bigger initiative to show progress toward a larger goal or objective. Quick wins allow the organization to see improvements without significant investment in time, money, or resources. In Chapter 16, there was a review of the continual improvement activities, which can be used by smaller groups within the organization...