We will continue from where we left off in the previous section, on analyzing and treating missing values. Data scientists spend the majority of their time doing data preparation and exploration, not model building and optimization. Now that our dataset has no missing values, we can proceed with our exploratory data analysis.
Exploratory data analysis
How to do it...
- In the first section on data manipulation, we saw the summary statistics for our datasets. However, we have not looked at this since imputing the missing values.
Let's now look at the data and its basic statistics using the following code:
# To take a look at the top 5 rows in the dataset
# To display the summary statistics for all variables
- With the preceding code, we can see the summary statistics of the variables in the earlier section.
Now let's see how many columns there are by datatype:
# How many columns with different datatypes are there?
The following code shows us how many variables there are for each datatype. We can see that we have 3 float-type variables, 33 integer-type variables, 45 object-type variables, and 4 unsigned integers that hold the one-hot encoded values for the LotShape variable:

- Let's create two variables to hold the names of the numerical and categorical variables:
# Pulling out names of numerical variables by conditioning dtypes NOT equal to object type
numerical_features = housepricesdata.dtypes[housepricesdata.dtypes != "object"].index
print("Number of Numerical features: ", len(numerical_features))
# Pulling out names of categorical variables by conditioning dtypes equal to object type
categorical_features = housepricesdata.dtypes[housepricesdata.dtypes == "object"].index
print("Number of Categorical features: ", len(categorical_features))
This shows us the amount of numerical and categorical variables there are:

- We will now use the numerical_features variable that we previously created to see the distributions of numerical variables. We will use the seaborn library to plot our charts:
melt_num_features = pd.melt(housepricesdata, value_vars=numerical_features)
grid = sns.FacetGrid(melt_num_features, col="variable", col_wrap=5, sharex=False, sharey=False)
grid = grid.map(sns.distplot, "value", color="blue")
The preceding code shows us the univariate distribution of the observations of numerical variables using distribution plots:

- Now, we use the categorical_features variable to plot the distribution of house prices by each categorical variable:
melt_cat_features = pd.melt(housepricesdata, id_vars=['SalePrice'], value_vars=categorical_features)
grid = sns.FacetGrid(melt_cat_features, col="variable", col_wrap=2, sharex=False, sharey=False, size=6)
grid.map(sns.boxplot, "value", "SalePrice", palette="Set3")
grid.fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=1, hspace=0.25)
for ax in grid.axes.flat:
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90)
Let's see the distribution of the house sale prices by each categorical variable in the following plots:

- We will now take a look at the correlation matrix for all numerical variables using the following code:
# Generate a correlation matrix for all the numerical variables
This will give you the following output:

It might be tough to view the correlations displayed in the preceding format. You might want to take a look at the correlations graphically.
- We can also view the correlation matrix plot for the numerical variables. In order to do this, we use the numerical_features variable that we created in Step 3 to hold the names of all the numerical variables:
# Get correlation of numerical variables
df_numerical_features= housepricesdata.select_dtypes(include=[np.number])
correlation= df_numerical_features.corr()
# Correlation Heat Map (Seaborn library)
f, ax= plt.subplots(figsize=(14,14))
plt.title("Correlation of Numerical Features with Sale Price", y=1, size=20)
# cmap - matplotlib colormap name or object - can be used to set the color options
# vmin and vmax is used to anchor the colormap
sns.heatmap(correlation, square= True, vmin=-0.2, vmax=0.8, cmap="YlGnBu")
We can now visualize the correlation plot as follows:

- You may also want to evaluate the correlation of your numerical variables with SalePrice to see how these numerical variables are related to the prices of the houses:
row_count = 11
col_count = 3
fig, axs = plt.subplots(row_count, col_count, figsize=(12,36))
exclude_columns = ['Id', 'SalePrice']
plot_numeric_features = [col for col in numerical_features if col not in exclude_columns]
for eachrow in range(0, row_count):
for eachcol in range(0, col_count):
i = eachrow*col_count + eachcol
if i < len(plot_numeric_features):
sns.regplot(housepricesdata[plot_numeric_features[i]], housepricesdata['SalePrice'], \
ax = axs[eachrow][eachcol], color='purple', fit_reg=False)
# tight_layout automatically adjusts subplot params so that the subplot(s) fits in to the figure area
The following screenshot shows us the correlation plots. Here, we plot the correlation between each of the numerical variables and SalePrice:
- If you want to evaluate the correlation of your numerical variables with the sale prices of the houses numerically, you can use the following commands:
# See correlation between numerical variables with house prices
# Sort the correlation values.
# Use [::-1] to sort it in descending manner
# Use [::+1] to sort it in ascending manner
You can view the correlation output sorted in a descending manner in the following table:

How it works...
In Step 1, we started by reading and describing our data. This step provided us with summary statistics for our dataset. We looked at the number of variables for each datatype in Step 2.
In Step 3, we created two variables, namely, numerical_features and categorical_features, to hold the names of numerical and categorical variables respectively. We used these two variables in the steps when we worked with numerical and categorical features separately.
In Step 4 and Step 5, we used the seaborn library to plot our charts. We also introduced the melt() function from pandas, which can be used to reshape our DataFrame and feed it to the FacetGrid() function of the seaborn library. Here, we showed how you can paint the distribution plots for all the numerical variables in one single go. We also showed you how to use the same FacetGrid() function to plot the distribution of SalesPrice by each categorical variable.
We generated the correlation matrix in Step 6 using the corr() function of the DataFrame object. However, we noticed that with too many variables, the display does not make it easy for you to identify the correlations. In Step 7, we plotted the correlation matrix heatmap by using the heatmap() function from the seaborn library.
In Step 8, we saw how the numerical variables correlated with the sale prices of houses using a scatter plot matrix. We generated the scatter plot matrix using the regplot() function from the seaborn library. Note that we used a parameter, fit_reg=False, to remove the regression line from the scatter plots.
In Step 9, we repeated Step 8 to see the relationship of the numerical variables with the sale prices of the houses in a numerical format, instead of scatter plots. We also sorted the output in descending order by passing a [::-1] argument to the corr() function.
There's more...
We have seen a few ways to explore data, both statistically and visually. There are quite a few libraries in Python that you can use to visualize your data. One of the most widely used of these is ggplot. Before we look at a few commands, let's learn how ggplot works.
There are seven layers of grammatical elements in ggplot, out of which, first three layers are mandatory:
- Data
- Aesthetics
- Geometrics
- Facets
- Statistics
- Coordinates
- Theme
You will often start by providing a dataset to ggplot(). Then, you provide an aesthetic mapping with the aes() function to map the variables to the x and y axes. With aes(), you can also set the color, size, shape, and position of the charts. You then add the type of geometric shape you want with functions such as geom_point() or geom_histogram(). You can also add various options, such as plotting statistical summaries, faceting, visual themes, and coordinate systems.
The following code is an extension to what we have used already in this chapter, so we will directly delve into the ggplot code here:
f = pd.melt(housepricesdata, id_vars=['SalePrice'],value_vars= numerical_features[0:9])
ggplot(f,aes('value', 'SalePrice')) + geom_point(color='orange') + facet_wrap('variable',scales='free')
The preceding code generates the following chart:

Similarly, in order to view the density plot for the numerical variables, we can execute the following code:
f_1 = pd.melt(housepricesdata, value_vars=numerical_features[0:9])
ggplot(f_1, aes('value')) + geom_density(color="red") + facet_wrap('variable',scales='free')
The plot shows us the univariate density plot for each of our numerical variables. The geom_density() computes and draws a kernel density estimate, which is a smoothed version of the histogram:

See also
The guide to the seaborn library (https://bit.ly/2iU2aRU)