Using PowerGUI
PowerGUI is a combination of PowerGUI Script Editor and PowerGUI Administrative Console. You can use the PowerGUI Script Editor to edit your PowerCLI scripts. The script editor will give you syntax highlighting and tab completion features. The PowerGUI Administrative Console is a graphical user interface for running your PowerCLI scripts. You can create your own PowerCLI scripts and add them to the PowerGUI Administrative Console. Also, there are PowerPacks that you can download from the PowerGUI website, and they will extend the PowerGUI Administrative Console. For VMware, PowerPacks are already there for VMware vSphere Management, Image Builder and Auto Deploy, and VMware LabManager Administration. These PowerPacks can be used to create a lot of different reports and to perform actions on vSphere objects just as in the vSphere Client. You can examine the PowerCLI code that is behind a report or an action. So, if you want to know how things work, you can easily find out...