This book is for the hobbyists, programmers, or enthusiasts who want both an introduction to TensorFlow and curated recipe examples for major machine learning algorithms. This book relies on basic knowledge of mathematics and Python programming. The major goal of this book is to introduce TensorFlow and provide well-documented examples of various machine learning algorithms. It is not within the scope of this book to delve into the specifics of mathematics, machine learning, or even programming. The best description of the book's target area is to give a gentle introduction to all three. Because of this, a reader with expertise in one area may find some parts of the book too slow and some parts too fast. Users with an extensive machine learning background may find the TensorFlow code enlightening, and users with an extensive Python programming background may find the explanations helpful. For the curious reader that would like more information on specific areas, there will be a There's more... section at the end of most chapters, which provides references and resources on the subject.