JMS integration in soapUI
HermesJMS is included as part of the soapUI installer. If you followed the steps of soapUI installation through the installer in Chapter 1, Web Services Testing and soapUI, you may have already set up soapUI with HermesJMS.

If you installed soapUI using a binary installer or excluded HermesJMS at the time of the installation, make sure to set it up with soapUI as explained in the following steps:
Download the latest version of HermesJMS from
Run the installer as follows:
–java -jar hermes-installer- X.XX.jar
Follow the instructions given in the installation wizard and complete the installation. Once installed, HermesJMS management console will be shown as follows:
Regardless of having soapUI, now you can manage JMS sessions, queues, and topics of your preferred JMS provider using the HermesJMS management console shown in the previous screenshot. However, we are not planning to spend much time on the...