Core component model
To run Hyperledger Fabric, we need a few main components; these are a Membership Service Provider (MSP), Fabric CA, peers, and an ordering service. We need to understandexactly how they work and the way to collect them.
The peers are the physical layer where the ledger data is stored and the chaincode is processed. A blockchain network is comprised primarily of a set of peer nodes. Every peer maintains its own copy of the shared ledger and is certified by a single MSP. The peer can have two roles: endorsing nodes or committing nodes.
The endorsing node processes transaction proposals and it returns the signed result to the client.
The ordering service sends a block of transactions to the committing node. The committing node validates if the data is in a consistent state. Once verified, it commits the transaction in the ledger and updates the world state in store data.
Membership service provider (MSP)
MSP is a pluggable interface that aims to offer an abstraction of...