Dartlero – a simple domain model framework
We will now discuss Dartlero to get an idea of what a domain model framework is all about and how you can build upon it. Dartlero is a limited model framework used in teaching and learning basic data structures in Dart. Get your copy of Dartlero from Pub or from GitHub with the following command:
git clone git://github.com/dzenanr/dartlero.git
Open the dartlero
folder in your Dart Editor. Dartlero's code sits in the lib
folder and the library file dartlero.dart
, referencing three part files in the model
subdirectory (lines (3)
to (5)
library dartlero; import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart'; part 'model/concept_model.dart'; (3) part 'model/concept_entities.dart'; (4) part 'model/concept_errors.dart'; (5)
Dartlero is just a library; it cannot be started by itself. We see that the central concepts are entities and...