Defining a data product
Managing data as a product is a common principle in many modern approaches to data management. In recent years, much has been said about the implications of this practice and what a data product is or should be.
While there is a broad consensus on many characteristics that a data product should have, there is not as much agreement on a shared definition of what a data product is. DJ Patil, the former chief data scientist of the United States, defines a data product as follows:
A data product is a product that facilitates an end goal through the use of data.
The definition is clear, but it’s quite broad. Despite its ready acceptance, the absence of specificity detracts from its practical utility in a hands-on context.
In this section, we will attempt to expand DJ Patil’s definition to arrive at a more actionable definition of a data product, which we will then use as a reference throughout the rest of the book.