Using the web activity to call an Azure logic app
Azure Logic Apps allows you to greatly increase the capabilities of ADF. You can use it to send emails to build a notification framework. Countless things that can't be done at this point in time in ADF you can leverage Azure Logic Apps to do.
In this recipe, you will learn how to call an Azure logic app from ADF and how to pass parameters between them to archive files from a folder in Blob storage and delete those files from the original location.
Getting ready
You need to have created an ADF and Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account. The Flights dataset (or any other dataset) should be uploaded to Storage. There should be a container called archive
created in the Azure Blob storage space. You also need to be familiar with creating ADF pipelines containing the Get Metadata, Filter, and For Each activities. Please refer to Chapter 2, Orchestration and Control Flow, for guidelines on how to do that.